Monday 15 February 2016

December 2015 Update

PTA Update

Happy December Maples Families! This is a quick note to outline what the Maples PTA is up to. After a late start this year, I am really excited about the plans we have for the rest of the year!

We started this year by looking at the objectives of our PTA as outlined in the PTA Constitution (who knew such a thing existed). Anyway, I found this useful, so for our new and not so new families, I want to start by outlining these objectives.

PTA Objectives

  1. To enhance and enrich the educational experience of all the students at the Maples Academy.
  2. To help promote the school’s “community” spirit and sense of belonging to the school.
  3. To help provide educational tools for all students.

What’s New!

  1. Movie Night – We had our first ever PTA movie night last Friday evening. It was a great success with 35 kids at the school watching Elf. We are planning for movie nights January 29th, February 26th, April 29th, and May 27th. Thank you Sara Hurson for spearheading this.

  1. Facilitate Outreach with a Local Charity – This year, the PTA will help facilitate support opportunities for Choices Teen Shelter. To get started, the PTA will be serving Hot Apple Cider at the Christmas concert next week. All donations will go to Choices. Stay tuned in the New Year for a child operated bake sale. Also, there are classroom service opportunities that will be available, if teachers would like. Our goal is to help our children learn to respect and show compassion towards the needs of others, which is one of the IB principles. Thank you to Stephanie Milone for being the lead on this.

Update on the Old

  1. PTA is set to serve the students and staff a full turkey dinner on Friday, followed by a pancake lunch on Shrove Tuesday. This is a tradition that our kids look forward to every year. Thanks to Anthea Page, Jackie Demczur and Pauline Oakley for co-ordinating our special lunches this year.

  1. Our PTA BBQ is a great way to end the year and is always a fun afternoon. If this is something you would like to get involved in please let me know.

  1. Our first Casino Royale last year was a great night to socialize for Maples parents and teachers. We have started to plan this years’ event, but are looking for help!

  1. For the last several years, the PTA has been able to fully cover the cost of field trips, including busing. This is a great convenience that we would like to continue to provide for our families. However, you may have noticed that in the last couple of years the PTA has raised little money…in the New Year we will be looking for your ideas about a spring fundraiser so that this support can continue.

Our next general meeting is scheduled for January 13th from 8:00 to 8:45 am – all are welcome! If you are unable to attend, but have something you would like added to the agenda or have an idea that you would like supported by the PTA please e-mail me

Wishing you and your family a very Merry Christmas!

Janet Moore

PTA Chair

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